If you wanted to have kids to make money off of the government, guess what...
You'll put in more time and effort working as a parent than you ever would with any other job.
If you had children to make you feel better about yourself, guess what...
Children are like little mirrors, if you don't already like yourself, they will only remind you of that.
If you became a parent because you thought your partner would stay with you if there were kids in the picture, guess what...
Having kids only increases your load of responsibility and they demand all your attention, so you won't be getting more from your partner.
If you wanted offspring so that you could live through them somehow, guess what...
They become their own person at some point, and that may or may not be the person you want to be.
If the reason you had children was to impose your religion, beliefs and ideals upon the world, guess what...
Your children may not believe or practice religion the way you do when they are adults, religion is for the individual.
If you had kids because you thought it would make your own parents happy, guess what...
There are probably family issues that run deeper than pleasing your parents, and having a baby will only compound and pass on those issues.
If you had children because you have so much love that you wanted to share unconditionally with another human being, guess what...
You're in the right place. Welcome to the Parent Club. You belong here.
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